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篆書講求均整與對稱, 當以柔軟的筆尖書寫時,身體、頭腦與字型的互動, 為書寫人的認知、感知及生理的轉變, 帶來大大的動力。當我們臨摹或自由寫書時, 這個影響會有所不同。透過練習中國書法, 自閉症及多動症的兒童們的專注力及社交能力, 都有所改善。此外, 對患有輕度智能缺陷的兒童, 他們的視覺專注力及判斷力亦有所提升。而對於中風病人, 他們手掌的扼力及運動控制力, 都有所增強 (Kao, 2006)。
The Seal script emphasize the principles of orientation and symmetry. With the softness of the brush tip, the interaction among body, mind, and character provide a powerful source of impact on the writer’s perceptual, cognitive, and physiological changes. The impact is different as the writer is copying or writing with freehand. Children suffering from autism and ADHD may improve their attention and social communication through practicing Chinese Calligraphy. There are also improvements in visual attention, and judgement for children with mild retardation; and enhanced palm strength, and motor control for stroke patients (Kao, 2006).
Kao, H. S. R. (2006). Shufa: Chinese calligraphic handwriting (CCH) for health and behavioural therapy. International Journal of Psychology, 41 (4), 282-286.