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自閉症學童: 黏土製作 Children with Autism: Clay making

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「以優點為本」的概念, 讓表達藝術治療師,專注於參與者的優點與才智。 一些強迫及執著行為,也可以轉化為優點 (Cosden et al., 2006)。在我之前的一個治療小組,參與者們重複玩一些社交遊戲,例如他們用沾滿黏土的手, 互相握手及擊掌問好!當他們不斷重複玩拋高黏土球的時候,他們的動覺意識會提高,這亦可幫他們釋放能量、緊張感覺及表達情緒 (Hinz, 2009)。 透過專注於黏土製作,其中一位參與者在第三節黏土課,消除了玩黏土時,需要不斷洗手這個強迫習慣。「以優點為本」可以影響治療師的態度與信念,讓參與者可以發揮更大潛能。這個概念讓我們不再專注於「責備與批判」,並有助提升治療結果效 (Cosden et al., 2006) 。

Expressive arts therapists should adopt a strength-based approach, which focuses on participants’ strengths and resources. Impulsive or obsessive behaviour can be transformed into strengths (Cosden et al., 2006). In one of my previous groups, participants played social games repetitively such as shaking ‘dirty’ hands and doing ‘hi-five’ with each other. When they throw clay balls repetitively, their kinesthetic awareness will increase. Such exercise helped them release their energy and tension, and express their emotions (Hinz, 2009). By focusing on playing with clay (task engagement), one of the participants stopped repeatedly washed his hands at the third clay lesson. Strength-based approach affects the attitude and beliefs of therapists and helps create the potential and ability of participants. It takes focus away from blame and judgement; and eventually improve intervention outcome (Cosden et al., 2006).

Cosden, Merith, Koegel, Lynn Kern, Koegel, Robert L., Greenwell, Ashley, & Klein, Eileen. (2006). Strength-Based Assessment for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 31(2), 134-143.

Hinz, L. D. (2009). Expressive Therapies Continuum: A Framework for Using Art in Therapy. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

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