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藝術帶領我們面對自己的痛苦 Art helps people to confront our own pain.

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N年前無線電視為我的音樂組合「天織堂」拍了一個音樂特輯,攝製隊拍攝我的拍擋Henry 用電結他彈奏純音樂作品「心痛的感覺」。拍攝完畢後,所有人都靜默了下一陣子,我相信大家都感到這首作品帶來的力量 !
有時我們聽到一首歌或看到一幅畫時,會感到鼻子一酸、囉囉攣、窒息、感動… (Knill, 1995)。這些感覺,是連接身體察覺、心靈狀態及集體潛意識的一個重要提示 (Reiber, 2008),藝術可以讓我們發現痛苦的深層意義。當我們感到強烈的情緒時,可能會感到孤寂。若嘗試跳出自己當下的感覺,並想想其他人的共同處境,也許會有意想不到的啟示 (Potash, 2014) !

Many years ago, TVB has made a music program for TienJiTang, my band. Henry, my groupmate played a beautiful song using an electric guitar. The song is about the feeling of a broken heart. The crew and I were in silence for a while after he stopped playing. I was pretty sure that everyone had been struck by strong emotion aroused by the song!

When we listen to a song and watching a painting, we may have bodily sensation like the feelings of ‘soul stirring’, breathtaking, or moving (Knill, 1995). These feelings can be an important clue to connect the bodily awareness to a psychic condition and collective unconsciousness (Reiber, 2008). Art helps us to discover the profound meaning of suffering and compassion. When we are caught into strong emotional moment, we have a feeling of isolation. It is beneficial for us to step out of our present moment and think of the lager human condition. We may have new insights into our life (Potash, 2014).

Knill, P. J. (1995). The place of beauty in therapy and the arts. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 22, 1, 1-7.

Reiber, B. (2008). Psyche, imagination and art. In S. Rowland (Ed.), Psyche and the Arts: Jungian Approaches to Music, Architecture, Literature Film and Painting. East Sussex: Routledge.

Potash, J. S. (2014). Archetypal aesthetics: Viewing art through states of consciousness. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 139-153.

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