昨天在深圳與一班小學老師,用書法「 畫」出他們當下的感覺。究竟如何透過以「 書法入畫」, 感受中國文字的趣味及舒緩情緒呢?
若有興趣知道,可以參加於明年1月19日舉行的「表達藝術治療日 2019」, 我當日會帶領其中一個工作坊: 「中國書畫」與「我的喜•怒•哀」。
Yesterday, I had a workshop with primary school teachers in Shenzhen. We use Chinese Calligraphy to 'draw' their present feelings. How can we integrated painting and writing; sensing the playfulness in Chinese writing and soothing our mood?
If you want to know, please join the 'Expressive Arts Therapy Day 2019' on 19 January 2019. I'll demonstrate in one of workshops named: 'Chinese Calligraphy' and 'My Happiness, Anger, and Sadness'.
Here are details:
# EATAHK 2019